Weight Management & Fitness

My TLS Slim Challenge

All my life I have struggled with chubbiness. Since before I was a preteen I have been on a million diets & have tried to maintain somewhat active. I always said "I don't want to grow old & be out of shape". But as time went on I was putting on the weight.
TLS slim is a weight management program that educates individuals on a healthy eating lifestyle change instead of a fad diet. I have dabbled in the TLS slim program several times in the past years but never truly committed because of XYZ excuses, but I still lost weight & learned better eating habits. The TLS program has had several weight loss challenges in the past 2 years where you can win money...allot of money for losing weight. This year at the AA Arena in downtown Miami Florida TLS announced another big money challenge. This year I made up my mind about doing the TLS Slim challenge so I started brainwashing myself about really doing it this time. I was really pumped up at the arena in January. All I had to lose was the weight! Duh
Did I mention that the 1st prize for a single winner is $15k? Yes you read that right $15k & 50k for a group challenge! A group is 2-10 people! So yes it truly was a no brainer for me to really do the TLS challenge. I was sick & tired of being fat & only getting fatter! I was sick & tired of not working out. I felt sluggish & I felt horrible. I had this yukky fat growing under my arms, OMG I was looking like a football player! Can you say flabby??? I felt like an extra person was growing on me! It was just Ugh. I had enough! I know, I know its a little graphic but sometimes you have to be a little tough on yourself in order to Just Do It! I'm serious so many people think that they are going to find a magic pill & it will all go away. The truth is No pain no Gain! That's the truth!
I took the TLS challenge because how can I talk the talk without walking the walk? I had to do it so others can see that it can be done & it really works! I wanted to be an example that it doesn't matter how old you are you can change anything & do anything you want but you will have to commit to the change. If you are looking for a fad diet this isn't it.

I started the TLS challenge on March 1, I did a veggie detox for 2 weeks. I did very well on the detox because I do love my veggies. I bought every veggie you can think of. When I got hungry I really snacked on those veggies, the funny thing is, if you are really hungry, you eat veggies you WILL get full, I did. When your body is hungry & you feed it, feed it right your body will really appreciate it & give you great thanks. TLS Slim is an amazing life long education. I didn't have a coach but I met several times with my business team. My business partner Diana Diaz certified as a TLS coach & she held weekly sessions at her home so I attended her sessions to learn how the program works & how to stay on track. Thanks Diana ;) Wow I was really impressed with what I learned with her. She really knows her stuff. The TLS education is definitely something that I will use for a lifetime & can educate others to do so to.
I don't know if I won yet but so far I have lost over 26 lbs maybe more but who's counting, I feel awesome! I get compliments all the time of how much I have shrunk. So to me I did win my challenge, most of all I do not miss all the food I was eating at all! I'm super excited seeing how my body is changing. I haven't been this small in years :}

That brings me to my next commitment I made.......When I took the Challenge I wanted to really commit to working out again & really get FIT this time. I searched for my long lost fitness coach Beth Yannucci. I lost touch with her over 2 years & I had not worked out with her over 3 years, how time flies! I have always loved this trainer she Rocks!! No one is as good as Beth, no one!! I have tried other boot camps & routines but there is something about Beth, she is Super motivating, she really pushes you. She kicks & kisses you.  If you are looking for a Real workout then her boot camp is the one! One of her great sayings "Get out of your comfort zone comfortable is for Sundays on the couch"!! I get this little tingle & these goosebumps all over my body when I work out with her, now if that's not love well then its probably my muscles burning! lol no but for real you will feel the burn & just love her! I guarantee if you Really commit to her boot camp your body will change!!! Oh & Beth plays the best music ever!
Anyway I was desperately looking to get into a real routine again but I really didn't want to join just any gym because machines just don't do it for me. So I turned to FB, you find everyone on FB. Turns out Beth was always my FB friend and she had a boot camp going on for nearly 2 years just 20 minutes from my house. Can you believe that?! So that was it! I made up my mind & committed to Get Pumped-Beth's Booty Camp in Miami Tropical Park 3 days a week 1 hour & half on intense workout. Don't think because its called a booty camp that shes easy. Beth doesn't joke around, shes tough, her boot camp truly is worth more. I love when says there are no options thats the workout & You Gotta do it! She will kick your _ss.
I knew I was going to love this! Without hesitation I told my boo what I decided just to get his blessing & support :) and Monday April 28 I took the Beth's booty challenge. OMG! this has been the bestest decisions I have ever made in a long time! I truly love the way I feel. No pain no gain!  I love what shes done for me she truly will help you get fit! My arm jiggles are almost gone! I also spin with her on Tuesdays.
By the time August rolls in I'm going to be super woman!
So that's it, that's the new weight management & fitness secrets in Miami TLSslim.com & Get Pumped-Beth's booty camp.

Spinning with celebrities
Judge Alex of Judge AlexTV


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