Wednesday, July 31, 2013

So many opportunities how do you choose?

There are so many business opportunities popping up everywhere it's hard to choose right? 
I admit we probably lose out a lot because my opportunity is not a Cheap opportunity. You know I'm glad that we are not cheap, being a cheap opportunity only brings you more headaches. It's hard enough to build a networking business but making it cheaper so that we can Get more people In is just a waste of time! It is! Do you really think people are going to be serious about an opportunity that cost $50 or even $100 to get started? Very, very few are serious. You can sure recruit tons of people with that price tag but the truth is that most people who Sign Up to those programs will not be serious. I get business partners all the time all bummed out because someone they were courting ends up Signing Up with some Micky mouse program. You know what they tell them? "Oh well it was cheaper so that's why I signed up with them" Ugh for real! Are they really going to use that stuff? 
Everyone is looking for a better way, everyone needs to make extra money but please don't sign up to a business opportunity only because it is cheaper! I really am glad that we cost more than others because you get more for your money, it cant & should not get any cheaper ever! This is a real business opportunity with a real business plan with millions of dollars of tools & technology. The broad high quality diversified products we distribute are not cheap. We are product brokers & we only work with high quality manufactures that can produce the best products on the market. We do not manufacturer anything but we demand the best in our products. Our business plan is unique but simple because we want people to feel that they have a real business. My opportunity is like a virtual online unlimited mall franchise & in that mall you can sell exclusive boutique style branded products. You also can earn from all the partner stores that are already in your virtual mall over 3500 partner stores. As you expand your mall every single business you partner with also has an unlimited online mall that you earn 100% volume to infinity & you qualify for commission with just 2 qualified business partners. You get your own personalized website. Your own Motives website even if you are not specializing in Motives, it just comes with the program, because Motives is the best makeup in the world hello! You also get your own Isotonix website so your customers can have a great wellness shopping experience. Then to top it off this business comes with instructions step by step & as long as you follow the directions it works! 
We offer so much more than other opportunities that if you don't see the difference here please don't waste my time. My business is not for everyone but I do have something for everyone. I'm so dizzy seeing all these wrap this, drink that, starve with this, pink cars, blue BMWs OMG I feel bad for those people doing those programs because the market is so saturated with them & they reel you in with "You can make a million dollars in 2 days & you don't have to do anything!" Don't buy that you still gotta get off your A$$ & still work to make it happen & its not gonna happen in 2 days! They do get much more people to Sign Up but then the people they sign up end up not doing anything with the program because they thought it was something it was not. It's easy to throw $100 away so people don't even do any research about what they are about to do. Most people that sign up to a cheap program have the wrong idea of what they signed up to then they don't do anything & then they blame the company because they claim it didn't work! Headaches I tell you! 
Listen I'm not saying that other programs don't work at all, everything works if you work it! That's the truth! Hey some people just want to make a quick buck & move on & that's OK too, but if you are serious about building true ongoing income do your research first & if you are looking for something that will last then really cross your Ts & dot your i's because this company has years of changing the economy with hundreds of millionaires who continue to earn ongoing 6-7 figure incomes for 10-15 & 20 years & they are still with the same company. Hundreds of thousands who are earning additional ongoing income with a lot less people which equals a lot less headaches.
You get high tech, high touch & so many divisions that make us not vulnerable to the market swings, every division is a full blown opportunity. Powered with such a powerful Internet presence it really is a Big difference. 
When you are just selling a juice thing & no one wants that juice you are pretty limited in expanding your business except if you have a cheap program. 
So please do not compare my program to another makeup or skincare company that still sells beauty from the 60's or to a weight loss program with herbs or aloe or BMWs because there is just No comparison. 
My program cost a minimum of $399 + tax to get started & if you think that's expensive then it is what it is & you don't see how powerful this opportunity is, so you just disqualified yourself so move on, who's next?!
I love my business can you tell? And I'm looking for people that are serious like me or even worse, obsessive because I know what I got do you?

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