Thursday, July 25, 2013

Train your brain

Business building audios are such an important tool to use. I'm so glad that my business comes with such important information to help us build such an incredible business. Now, if only everyone would listen to them that would be wonderful ;) 
This business is a virtual business so I try to explain to people that they need to do certain things in the business in order to believe you even have a business. Its not like if you have to punch in or go somewhere like a JOB so you really need to train your brain daily to be successful. So many people love the idea of this type of business but few people will actually take the time to really implement the little basic fundamentals to build this type of business. I have taken the time to learn from different successful people at local business seminars, mayor events & business meetings. All successful leaders pretty much say the same things. I have even looked at other opportunities & they all have pretty much more or less the same abc fundamental concepts in order to be successful. Its 95% mental! Leaders all talk about implementing simple systems of doing certain little things daily & consistently. Very little things that don't take really much time to do but you do have to do them daily. That can be tedious but its not hard to listen to an audio, read your goal statement, or even make 1 phone call, but very few people have the discipline to do it daily or even consistently & most people don't or wont do it but will still expect to get results from not doing anything.
I have been doing the simple basic fundamentals & I am learning to train my brain. Basically doing little simple things daily & in a consistent basis is training my brain to be successful. For example my daily blogging is part of my mental daily brain boot-camp. I made a commitment to blog daily it forces me to think about my business everyday & promote my business in some way or manner. Weather people are reading it or not I'm not doing for anyone else but myself because I made the commitment to blog daily. 
Of course I appreciate everyone who reads my blog & I always encourage my team & others to also read it, but the message here is to do what the successful leaders tell you to do. Its funny because so many people say they know what to do then why don't they just dot it? Just the other day someone said "I don't understand the point in blogging." Well I just thought to myself I don't either but if successful people are telling you that's how you build this type of business through blogging why would I question that? Just do it!

"I know what to do then why don't I just do it?"I use to ask myself that all the time. You know whats the biggest secret to this business? That there is no secret! The successful people are telling you what to do they even give us a business plan with the whole system of how to build this business! It comes with business audios to listen to, a career manual & 13 must go business trainings on how to learn to build such an amazing business & people still choose not to do what the business is telling you to do or they do it their way. But I know better, I know that this is a franchise & in a franchise you cant do it your way you gotta do it the franchise way. That's why I always go back to my business plan & follow the directions. Its dummy proof! I guess its because sometimes you don't know what you don't know & you don't know that you don't even know it!

Daily blogging is the new me & I'm loving it! My you-tubing will also be part of my commitment so stay tuned for those you-tube videos. Reading my goal statement & listening to my business audios that is my mental boot-camp training for my brain to be successful. 

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