Friday, July 26, 2013

No pain no gain!

Wow, what a workout at boot camp today! I got there at 7:54am which is kind of late for me because I normally get there by 7:20am & I get to chat with Beth. Although we don't start til 8am this morning when I got there Beth my favorite trainer in the world is Pumped up shouting "you're late, today's workout will make you think of me all weekend long, hurry up set up a box, band, dumbbells & meet me at the bleachers you got 2 minutes lets go!!" I just love her so! I call her my mommy dearest ;) I love the bleachers! There is nothing like a hot summer July Miami morning before 8am to workout at the bleachers!
I really was excited about the bleachers because I knew it was going to be an awesome workout! Just this past week I have been going through my facebook account & seen tons of old fat pictures of me & I wanted to scream & cry! I am totally freaking out how many fat pictures of me are everywhere!! I had a small family meeting with my girls & demanded to know why didn't they tell me I was so fat!? Nikole my young one says "mom I was telling you all the time" Semyra the older one she is a bit nicer she says "Oh mom but it only looked bad in the pictures you really didn't look that fat in person" Oh thanks! OMG Ugh I'm so embarrassed that I was so big! What was I thinking!!??? I cant do anything now the damage is done now the Internet is full of these fat pictures all I can do is get into shape & get new pictures out ASAP! I'm not looking to be skinny I'm not a skinny person but I do want to get ride of this excess jiggles because I just don't feel comfortable. No wonder I was such a lazy _$$ I had an extra person growing on me! I cant be promoting beauty & wellness if I don't feel good about myself! 
So yes the bleachers got me so excited because I know that there is No gain with no pain! I need to still tone up so the bleachers are the bomb! Beth made us run up & down the Miami Tropical park bleachers 4 times! I was drenched in sweat, by 830am we were back inside the shelter & Beth worked out every single muscle on our bodies, ouch! But I love her so ;) So my goal is to continue to get into shape with my TLS knowledge & tone up with Beth's booty camp. I'm also Pumped up because I got Beth to start a Saturday boot camp at the park so for those who cant make it to Beth's booty camp because you have a J-O-B that you have to be at during the week starting September Beth will be offering Saturday boot camps for $10. I strongly recommend you get your _$$ there to try her boot camp out, no pain no gain! Thanks Beth so excited about September ;)

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