Monday, August 5, 2013

How important is Calcium Magnesium & Vitamin K?

Calcium is an essential building block to good health. Its recommended that both men & woman take 1,000 mg a day ages 19-50. 
A 6 oz glass of milk will give you 300 mg, an 8 oz plain yogurt gives you 415 mg & 3 oz  serving of salmon will give you 181 mg, wow I didn't know salmon had calcium, but yes its surprising all the foods that do have calcium.

Broccoli, boiledserving, 85 g34
Watercress, rawsmall bunch, 20 g34
Curly Kaleserving, 95 g143
Okra, stir fried8 medium, 40 g88
Red kidney beans, canned3 tablespoons, 105 g75
Chick peas, boiled3 tablespoons, 90 g41
Green/French beansserving, 90 g50
Baked beansserving, 135 g72
Almonds12 whole, 26 g62
Brazil Nuts6 whole, 20 g34
Hazlenuts20 whole, 20 g28
Sesame seeds1 tablespoon, 12 g80
Walnuts12 halves, 40 g38
Tahini Paste1 heaped teaspoon, 19 g129
Sardines in oil, tinnedportion, 100 g500
Whitebait, friedportion, 80 g688
Salmon, tinnedaverage portion, 100 g91
Fish pastesmall jar, 35 g98

Guess what ladies calcium has shown in clinical trials to help with PMS mood & somatic symptoms associated with PMS. 
Also 80% of adults who suffer from osteoporosis are woman so that's a bigger reason to get enough calcium into your diet.

Absorption is key so its very important to ally calcium with Vitamin K2, Magnesium & Vitamin D. Vitamin K2 directs & helps the calcium get to the right places in the body & helps the body maintain the body's bone mass & promotes elasticity of the blood vessels. 
Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium & phosphorus. It supports the production of several proteins involved in calcium absorption & storage.
Other benefits of Vitamin D include, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, promote strong hard bones, regulate the immune system & supports a healthy body weight & potential weight loss.

Magnesium supports more than 300 enzyme systems, it is required for 
heart health, 
nerve function, 
stress management, 
metabolism and much more.

Supports normal blood pressure, 
Promotes head comfort, 
Promotes optimal muscle health
Supports healthy sleep quality

Magnesium also helps the body maintain normal calcium levels as well as phosphorus, potassium, adrenaline & insulin.

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