Miami fast forward I have to still force my kids to dress up and trick or treat. Yes I trick or treat of course I do why not? You can get some good candy and its fun. For years I would get into these huge debates on how we have to trick or treat every year because its a tradition! Anyways thank goodness for my grandson Shaun its not much of a big deal anymore because someones gotta take him trick or treating ;) So I sacrifice all the time and trick or treat still every year ;)
Because its my favorite holiday I just wanted to take this opportunity to show off my talented daughters work. She hates trick or treating but she loves creating Zombies & gruesome stuff. I don't know, I don't get it how its the the same thing but I guess everyone loves Halloween for different reasons, I do it for the candy. But brace yourself some of these pictures are really graphic.
Sewed on
Black Dahlia all Motives except lashes
Burn victim
These are my favorites notice how the Model has great makeup on ;)
tortured but still looking good with Motives
All cut up and still looks great!

Creepy zombies and more
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