I would always pick Austin up and whisper in his ear "Austin one day we will live in Pinecrest in a big giant mansion on 2 acres and you can feel like you are the King and you can mark your territory outside of course on all the land you want" Austin always looked up at me and would say "Ok mommy but you need to hurry because its later than you think" wahhhh ;(((((((
Austin went through some great times and some really tuff times with us but we always kept him no matter what he was our baby
:((( Even though Chuey & Sandy came along Austin was still the King of the house, and he knew it, he was the boss.
The last 3 days I noticed that he was breathing weird and he would look up to me like trying to tell me he was close to leaving ;((
I picked him up several times and hugged him and kissed him and told him how much I loved him and to hang on. But Austin was a lot older than I wanted to admit. I felt there was something wrong. Last night he didn't sit with Carlos and Carlos said to me "I think its time" I said "stop it he's going to be fine"
This morning I got up and I realized that Austin was not sleeping on the bed so I went around the bed to see where he was and he was stretched out on the floor and I noticed he wasn't breathing. I kind of freaked out and went into the bathroom. I didn't want to call him because I was scared to know the truth, then Carlos jumped in the shower and when he was out of the shower I said to Carlos " I need you to do me a Big favor.....um can you check on Austin please"? Then Carlos walks over to him comes back and says" Hes gone" Wahhhhhhhh :((((( Noooooooo!!! He wasn't suppose to die in Kendall!!! We were suppose to be in Pinecrest by now!
The moral is its LATER THAN YOU THINK!
I love you Austin xoxoxo

Austin pretending he's in Pinecrest
& Chuey just chilling
Ok who brought Godzilla?
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