Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Save your joints!

I keep hearing people everywhere complain about how bad their joints hurt. Just the other day I heard it from someone nearly half my age, the poor girl could barely bend down! 
A mi no me duele nada....Well I'm here to say my joints don't hurt me ;) I have raved before about this product but I feel that this product deserves a lot more testimonials. I have been using the Prime Isotonix joint support since July last year. 
OMG I am so glad that I started it. Last year in April I committed to my rigorous boot camp workout 3 times a week. I began to add more to my workout routine but I noticed that my normal supplementing was just not cutting it anymore. My knees were hurting, my joints were really rusty & my workout recovery was well, lets just say there was no recovery so I began the anti-aging routine. If you are over 30 or you feel you need help with your joints, especially if you want to be more active & you know you can do more if you just didn't have so much joint pain & inflammation.  I have been there, now all I can say is the results are phenomenal No pain Yes gain ;) I workout better now than when I was a teen. Actually I have never in my life have been so active and & I am no spring chicken. So its no secret when people ask me "OMG Annette how do you do it"? I feel a little guilty but its not a secret I tell them I drink my vitamins & joint support the S#it works! The fact that it is in isotonic form makes it a super plus! I drink that s#it in the morning with the Isotonix Prime longevity support on an empty stomach and I am wonder woman immediately! Isotonix absorbs within minutes into your bloodstream like blood sweat or tears. I love it! Now I'm not saying you are going to be wonder woman or super man but I can guarantee your joints will really appreciate it. 
The 3 powerhouse ingredients are in isotonic form so that means they will be absorbed within 5 minutes

1. Glucosamine-Supports healthy joint function and 

promotes the normal production of synovial fluid, 

which lubricates your joints and regenerates cartilage

2. Pycnogenol®-Inhibits the body's over active 

inflammatory processes associated with the normal 

aging process

3. Hyaluronic Acid-Helps maintain strong, healthy 

cartilage and promotes normal healing

I am just so grateful for this product the way I am able to exercise and not complain of any discomfort is priceless! 
Do you have a testimonial? I want to hear about it.

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